LG- Life’s Good!

I’m often asked, if I wash my eyes with some special solution to keep them shining.. Friends, and even strangers ask me in my inbox on different social media platforms..
I thought, let me share my secret with you all!
I wash my eyes off all things sad every night and then am eternally grateful for the beautiful day I lived through, before I sleep.. when I wake up, I smile my biggest smile for me! (whether I feel like smiling or not)! I am filled with gratitude for this wonderful life that is doused with Blessings which I can literally touch and feel, with my own hands. Not everything happens according to my will, but, I am happily flexible because I KNOW that whatever does happen instead, is always for my eternal well being!

My unshakable faith in God brings me so much strength and peace and crazy joy! I just KNOW, I am taken care of by God Himself! So I don’t have worries worrying me. God takes them all away!
What I am left with is my beautiful happy dreams and people who truly care about me, as much as I do about them! My lovely sister, Our awesome families, my lovely friends.. and my darling son!
I loveeeeee the life I have and am only grateful and happy with whatever it sends my way!
THAT is the reason my eyes gleam.. a mix of all my thoughts and dreams and hopes and my faith glistens outta my eyes! And the knowledge that my maa is around me like my own personal angel!

Touchwood. Thank You, God.


Just the way I am.

If you come in my ‘MY friend’ list .. not fb’s .. then you are indeed lucky! You have found yourself a very loyal, honest, deeply concerned, going out of the way to ease your troubles, straightforward .. kind of a friend in me! If u ask my opinion, it won’t be coloured ! But if someone else says anything to you, they will have to deal with me first! hehehehehe
Aise hi hain- take me or leave me!

  • Sudha

A piece of me ..

Ok .. so today I will give you a tiny insight into the kind of person I am..

When I was a school going gal, my mumma asked me what did I want to become in life- when I grew older.. and I took her out on the porch of our home and told her to wait patiently for 6pm .. papa came home and asked why were we standing to welcome him home .. and mumma told him Sudhi is telling me what she wants to be when she grows up.. So papa stood , too.. intrigued!

At sharp 6, we all heard the special manner of honking the horn- of our Maharashtrian neighbour uncle’s car- who’s home was opposite ours. Almost on cue, the main door opened and out came his wife and their two lil children jumping and dancing went to welcome their dad. Uncle stepped out and the children each held one-one leg and he laughed and picked both up in each arm.. pirouetted twice as the babies giggled.. his wife grinned happily and took his bag.. he put the kids down and bent to kiss his wife’s forehead .. and all went in together.
This was their daily routine !
Aunty was a lawyer but gave up her career for her babies and her in-laws who were not keeping too well.. But she was always smiling shyly.

She hugged me whenever she met me and bestowed a million Blessings upon me, each time! Uncle smiled and always said – you are a good girl, Sudha. And older aunty and uncle (in-laws) used to call me to their home everytime they saw me. I only went once when they had Lakshmi Puja and they said I HAD to be a part of it! I couldn’t refuse.

I looked at my smiling papa and ma and told them – I wanted to be that aunty when I grew up.. That no matter what, she was only happy and her life was complete. She had a husband who loved her unconditionally and in-laws who never tired of making her feel special.. her children loved both parents – they were well groomed and very well behaved !

Ofcourse, my mumma whacked me on my bum and said- tumko hum dono nahin dikhe ? (Talking of papa and herself) hehehe 🙈🙈

I told her she had led a difficult life.. before she came to this joyous time! I told her I didn’t want that part! She gave me a tight hug.. she couldn’t believe that I noticed and appreciated something like this at my age.

Yes.. I love- love .. I love respect .. and I love the concept of family. That’s the reason that I treat my close friends like my family..

Having said that- I reciprocate the feelings I am meted with – Be nice to me and I will be ten times nicer .. try acting smart with me- I will ignore you like you are dead.. but try hurting my family or close friends- and you better run away- as far as you can, from me! I am fiercely protective .. and will show you a mirror you won’t like!

Be warned . Hehhee !

15th June, 2021

Pillow Manifestation Method ( by Arti Crosby)

You can manifest while you sleep. You can bring your dreams to reality even while you are asleep. This law of attraction manifestation technique can help bring your dreams to life.

The pillow manifestation method is simple yet effective. It works by:

  • Write your desire or affirmation on a piece of paper.
  • Place the paper under your pillow before you go to sleep.
  • You then charge your goal with positive energy using visualisation before going straight to sleep.

Start with something small to be believable for you, so that you can get behind it and get yourself into a great energetic vibration.

It’s important that your statement is positive and says what you do want, not what you don’t want. i.e., ‘Thank you Universe for my new loving partner. He is considerate person and I appreciate the love, fun and companionship we share every day.’ Or whatever resonates with you!

Do the visualisation exercise every night. You don’t need to re-write your goal every night. But keep visualising your goal until it starts to manifest in your life (or something even better manifests which often happens as the Universe has bigger plans for us than we often have for ourselves!)

There are 3 reasons why this technique is so effective.

1- It helps rewire subconscious thought patterns as you sleep.

2- Allows your last thoughts of the day to be positive. This has a positive effect on your dream state which carries through to the next morning.

3- As you fall asleep you maintain the intention while “letting go” of any resistance that might be interfering with the manifestation of your desire.

The moment you fall asleep and the time you wake up are the two most important parts of our day, it’s important to set the right intention to avoid negative thinking and unwanted thoughts.

Diwali at home 14/11/2K20

Diwali is a beautiful festival.. minus the firecrackers! The light of the Diyas and the tiny bulbs makes my heart sing! I love the prayers and the sweets and the flowers.. the entire atmosphere turns auspicious!

Here’s wishing everyone a Shubhaati Shubh Dipawali and a Brilliant Wishfulfilling Blessed New Year! 🎉✨

Enjoy your money..Get more of it!


Lakshmi’s front two arms represent material world pursuits: artha and kama. In the artha, or lower left hand, she often holds gold coins, representing money, financial support, and the things that allow a person to make a living.

Of Lakshmi’s four arms, artha represents money, career, financial security, and the ability to make a living. A broader definition is the material means through which you support yourself in the pursuit of a joyful, soul-aligned life.

By artha you can enjoy life, Buy things you love. Take care of your family and community. Be generous with people you love. Be a good host. And above all, care for the earth, which sustains us all.

In the name of cultivating wealth you can made a list of things that helps to increase it. Set an intention to dedicate this time to increasing your financial wealth.


🌹 Think about money the way Lakshmi does—as a wonderful golden thing that is essential for taking care of your family and community, something that is okay to want and ask for.

📨 Write Goddess Lakshmi a letter telling her how much money you wanted and how you were going to use it.

💰 Do a meditation on prosperity every night before bed. You can chant goddess Laxmi any mantra that your feel more connected.

💰 When money does come in, in any form, acknowledge it, thank it, and enjoy it.

📨 Start using this affirmation: I love writing and making things. Everything I write and make turns into gold.

💰 When you spend money, thank it, bless it, and enjoy what you are receiving in return.

A Message on Diwali..

While we all light our houses , do spend some time today to light a few lamps inside you and sit in silence with your eyes closed…

Light the first lamp inside you and let it burn your anger and / or jealousy that you may have for any one till date; see it melt away…

Light the second lamp and let it burn away unwanted greed and desires… feel happy and contented with what you have been blessed with.

Light the third lamp and let it fade away all insecurities that you may have in your mind related to anything or financials; just beleive that God has given u life and he will surely give you enough to survive.

Light the 4th lamp and carry that lamp to each part of ur body; let it burn away all your diseased cells or any disease in making. Feel healthy as this lamp travels to each body part and illuminates each organ.

The 5th lamp is a miniature of the Sun… nothing but the divine light… light it in the centre of your body and let it fill the warmth and love inside your whole body…feel one with the Divine… let the love and warmth filled inside you ooze out of you through your smile…eyes..speech..and body….carry this love with you through out the day…you will find that everyone who meets you is happy and elated. This is the biggest blessing that whoever meets you becomes happier after meeting you… this will also make you happier in return.

Light these 5 lamps each day morning and carry the positivity wherever you go…

Wish You A Happy Diwali & A Prosperous, Healthy New Year 🙏🏽🤗🎉🌟🎊